This month is a very representative collection of how 'all over the place' our summer usually is. As much as I love the lack of structure, we are just as busy as during the school year because of all of the fun stuff happening!
This was my only 'traditional' shoot this month; early morning because it is hot in Georgia!
Every summer our church puts on an evening camp for elementary school kids: VBX. It is easily the craziest week of the year for us due to the amount of time we spend at the church, working before, during, and after the camp, and the amount of back and forth driving we do. But we love it!
Berry-picking. I used to take the big kids (when they were little kids) berry picking every spring, but they don't even remember that. It was fun to visit a nearby orchard with them again.
Summer swim: all consuming but brief. One of my favorite sports to photograph!
Finally, the annual Gigi's Playhouse Gala. This was my third time shooting it, and it did not disappoint. I loved this shot, taken right after a dance troupe from the playhouse performed for the distinguished guests.
Thanks for stopping by, and don't forget to check out Stephanie's work from June here!