Tuesday, December 5, 2017


This month started with a camera malfunction; that's always fun! And (of course) there has been a delay with the part that had to be ordered, so my camera has been in the shop for a looong time. This means I've had to rely on my 'back-up' camera. It is not as fast as I would like, but this process has been a good reminder that it is less about the equipment and more about the person holding it. This has been a good reminder for myself when I doubt my skill level.

When I first started out, I would shoot mostly newborns inside of their home, using natural light. And if I shot the whole family, we would use their front porch and yard. The concept of capturing a family in their space, where they do life, was what I loved about those shoots. Unfortunately, my gear at the time did not allow for a very high ISO, so I quickly moved to more outdoor photography. This month I found a few families to allow me to test out my newer camera inside of their homes (thankfully right before the aforementioned malfunction!). I loved the end product!

Screened in porch counts as their home.

The rest of the month I had my 'old' camera, so it was back outside. But late afternoon fall light is my favorite!

And any pictures containing my middle child are my favorite too.
Check out more awesome photos in the blog circle: click to see Sam's work this month!